Sales Reset - 40 years in the making

All preparation complete, it's time to change the world!

Hello Subscriber,

This is the very first post in my Sales Reset Journey story.

My goal in writing this story is for you to join me on the journey to learn together and share some experiences. I hope that you’ll find some aspects of the story valuable.

I’d love to hear your perspective and where you think I might learn from your experience.

When did Sales Reset start?

Let’s start with a quick summary of my Sales Reset Journey and why it might be worth your time and attention.

Where has Sales Reset come from? And what is the huge mission and goal that I now find so massively compelling?

The most obvious starting point of my Sales Reset Journey was around 1983 and 1984, when I first became an independent sales trainer. It’s quite something to look back on 40 years and thousands of hours of training and coaching with so many clients.

I recall vividly thinking that, at the time, I was far too young and inexperienced for the role. All I knew was that I’d had the benefit of a three-month-long structured sales training programme. And it was strikingly obvious that most salespeople I came across had not experienced this kind of training.

My rigorous sales training had instilled various convictions that had become unshakeable truths. If these approaches to selling were so crystal clear to me, how hard could it be to help other people develop the same understanding?

With the benefit of almost 40 years, I can now state with absolute conviction changing people’s selling behaviours is ENORMOUSLY hard!! For all sorts of reasons. But that’s for another day and a different post.

Where is Sales Reset Going?

Let’s cut to the huge mission and goal I find so massively compelling. What am I seeking to achieve with Sales Reset?

My goal is to play my small part in the global challenge of helping people in sales and business development roles to put their customers’ success at the heart of every selling conversation.

I want to fight against the advocates of adversarial objection handling techniques and manipulative tips and tricks that fill the pages of countless “How to Sell” books and are all over YouTube.

I want nothing less than a fundamental transformation of what selling is and how it can be practised.

And over the last ten years, I’ve been refining my understanding of how this can be achieved.

I now have a clear plan to assemble, coach and lead a global community of practice. Together with many others around the world, we will play our part in turning the world of professional selling upside down and inside out.

Together, we’ll learn to prioritize our customers’ success in every selling conversation.


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